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Bhai Dooj 2023: Celebrating the Bond Between Brothers and Sisters


Bhai Dooj, also known as Bhaiya Dooj, is a Hindu jubilee that celebrates the bond between sisters and sisters. It’s celebrated on the alternate lunar day of the Shukla Paksha( bright fortnight) of the Kartika month of the Vikram Samvat Hindu timetable. 


 Bhai Dooj falls two days after Diwali and is the last day of the five-day Diwali jubilee. It’s celebrated with great enthusiasm all over India and is particularly popular in North India. 


 On Bhai Dooj, sisters invite their sisters to their homes and prepare a special mess for them. They also perform aarti for their sisters and apply a red tika on their facades. This tika form signifies the family’s sincerest prayers for the long and happy life of her family. 


 Sisters, in turn, give gifts to their sisters and promise to cover them always. Bhai Dooj is a time for families to come together and celebrate the special bond between sisters and sisters. 



 Significance of Bhai Dooj:

 Bhai Dooj is a significant jubilee for Hindus and has a number of religious and artistic connotations. 


 One popular legend associated with Bhai Dooj is the story of Yamraj, the god of death, and his family Yami, the goddess of the Yamuna River. 


 According to legend, Yamraj was so busy with his duties as the god of death that he did not have time to visit his family. One day, Yami decided to visit her family in the demiworld. Yamraj was overjoyed to see his family and promised to visit her every time on the alternate lunar day of the Shukla Paksha of the Kartika month. 


 Another legend associated with Bhai Dooj is the story of Lord Krishna and his family Subhadra. According to legend, Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasura on the day before Diwali. On the day after Diwali, Subhadra performed aarti for her family and applied a tika on his forepart to celebrate his palm. 



 How to celebrate Bhai Dooj:

  1.  Bhai Dooj is celebrated in a variety of ways all over India. still, the introductory rituals remain the same. 
  2.  On the day of Bhai Dooj, sisters invite their sisters to their homes and prepare a special mess for them. The mess generally includes the family’s favorite dishes and sweets. 
  3.  Sisters also perform aarti for their sisters and apply a red tika on their facades. The tika form signifies the family’s sincerest prayers for the long and happy life of her family.
  4.  Sisters, in turn, give gifts to their sisters and promise to cover them always. Bhai Dooj is a time for families to come together and celebrate the special bond between sisters and sisters. 



 Tips for celebrating Bhai Dooj:

  1.  still, take some time to clean and embellish your home, If you’re celebrating Bhai Dooj at home. 
  2.  Prepare a special mess for your family, including his favorite dishes and sweets. 
  3.  Arrange for aarti and tika form. 
  4.  Give your family a gift that he’ll appreciate. 
  5.  Most importantly, spend time with your family and celebrate your special bond. 




 Bhai Dooj is a beautiful jubilee that celebrates the special bond between sisters and sisters. It’s a time for families to come together and cherish the connections that they hold dear. (For more click)