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CAT 2023 Registration Closing Tomorrow: Last Chance to Apply!

The enrollment window for the Common Admission Test( CAT) 2023 is closing hereafter, September 20, 2023. Aspiring campaigners who wish to take the test must apply at the sanctioned website,

CAT is one of the most popular MBA entrance examinations in India, and it’s conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management( IIMs) on a rotational base. The test is used for admission to MBA programs at IIMs and other top B- seminaries in the country.

To be eligible for CAT 2023, campaigners must have completed a bachelor’s degree from an honored university with a minimum of 50 marks( 45 marks for SC ST/ PwD campaigners). Final-time scholars are also eligible to apply.

The CAT 2023 test will be held on November 26, 2023, in three-hour places. The test will consist of three sections Quantitative Capability, Verbal Capability & Reading Appreciation, and Data Interpretation & Logical logic.

campaigners who are interested in applying for CAT 2023 can visit the sanctioned website and produce an account. Once they’ve created an account, they can fill out the operation form and pay the operation figure.

The operation figure for CAT 2023 is. 2400 for general campaigners and 1200 for reticent order campaigners.

campaigners are advised to apply for CAT 2023 as soon as possible, as the enrollment window will close hereafter. For More…