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Flood in West Bengal: A Recurring Disaster


Flood in West Bengal:

Cataracts are a recreating natural disaster in West Bengal, India. The state gets cataracts nearly every time, during the thunderstorm season, which lasts from July to September. Cataracts are caused by a combination of factors, including heavy falls, overflowing gutters, and shy drainage systems. 



 Causes of cataracts in West Bengal:


 The following are the main causes of cataracts in West Bengal:

 Heavy Downfall West Bengal receives heavy rainfall during the thunderstorm season. The average periodic downfall in the state is about 1,600 mm. Still, some corridors of the state admit much further downfall, up to 2,500 mm. 


 Overflowing gutters West Bengal is crossed by a number of gutters, including the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Mahanadi. These gutters frequently overflow during the thunderstorm season, causing cataracts in the girding areas. 


 Shy Drainage Systems West Bengal has a poor drainage system. This is because the state is located in a delta region, which means that it’s veritably flat and has a high water table. As a result, rainwater frequently can not drain down duly, leading to flooding. 



 Impact of Cataracts in West Bengal:

 cataracts have a ruinous impact on West Bengal. They beget wide damage to crops, homes, and structures. cataracts also displace thousands of people every time, forcing them to leave their homes and live in relief camps. 


 In addition to the physical damage, cataracts also have a significant impact on the lives of people in West Bengal. cataracts can lead to the spread of waterborne conditions, similar to diarrhea and cholera. They can also beget food dearths and malnutrition. cataracts can also have a negative impact on the frugality of West Bengal, as they disrupt businesses and husbandry. 



 Government Response to Cataracts in West Bengal: 

 The West Bengal government has taken a number of measures to alleviate the impact of cataracts in the state. These measures include the Construction of dikes and heads The government has constructed dikes and heads along the major gutters in the state to help them from overflowing. 


 Enhancement of drainage systems. The government is also working to ameliorate the drainage system in the state. This includes the construction of new conduits and rainspouts, as well as the desilting of conduits and rainspouts. 


 The early warning system The government has developed an early warning system to warn people about brewing cataracts. The system uses satellite imagery and downfall data to prognosticate cataracts. 


 Disaster relief measures The government also provides disaster relief measures to people affected by cataracts. This includes furnishing food, sanctum, and medical care to flood tide victims. 



 Conclusion and Recommendations:

Cataracts are a recreating natural disaster in West Bengal. While the government has taken a number of measures to alleviate the impact of cataracts, there’s still further that can be done. 

 One of the most important effects that the government can do is to ameliorate the drainage system in the state. This will help to reduce the threat of flooding, especially during heavy falls. 


 The government should also continue to invest in early warning systems. This will help people to void their homes in time before a flood tide occurs. 


 Eventually, the government should work to make the disaster relief process more effective. This will help to ensure that flood tide victims admit the backing they need as snappily as possible. 


 In addition to the government, individualities and communities can also play a part in mollifying the impact of cataracts. For illustration, people can plant trees in their communities. Trees help to absorb rainwater, which can help to reduce the threat of flooding. 


 People can also make their homes on advanced ground. This will help to protect their homes from flooding. 

 Eventually, people can stay informed about the rainfall cast and be prepared to void their homes if necessary. 

 By working together, the government, individuals, and communities can reduce the threat of cataracts and alleviate their impact. (For more news click)