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Makar Sankranti, Monday January 15th 2024!


Makar Sankranti 2024:

As the first whispers of dawn touch the horizon on Monday, January 15th, 2024, a surge of jubilation wetlands over India. It’s Makar Sankranti, a jubilee as ancient as the sun itself, marking the day the sun begins its northward journey, chasing down the downtime’s bite and steering by longer, warmer days. This is not just a festivity of the changing seasons; it’s a shade woven with vibrant vestments of tradition, gratefulness, and renewal. 


 A Sunrise of Rituals 

 For numerous, the day begins with a dawn dip in holy gutters or springs, emblematic sanctification to wash down negativity and drink the auspicious new time. The rising sun is saluted with immolations and prayers, a silent acknowledgment of its life-giving power. Homes are adorned with mango leaves and sugarcane stalks, symbols of substance and cornucopia. 


 A Feast for the Senses 

 The air is thick with the aroma of lately ignited sweets, each region boasting its unique delectables. In Punjab, golden’ pinna’ melts on the lingo, while in Tamil Nadu, the aroma of’ Pongal,’ a sweet rice dish, fills the air. In Maharashtra,’ tilgul,’ a sweet made of sesame and jaggery, celebrates the end of the crop season. This is not just a feast for the stomach; it’s a festivity of community, a time for families and musketeers to gather, partake in stories, and savor the agreeableness of togetherness. 


 Backfires and Blessings 

 As dusk paints the sky in tinges of orange and grandiloquent, backfires crinkle in open fields, their dears emblematizing the burning down of negativity and the drinking of new onsets. Songs and balls erupt around the fire, a joyful expression of gratefulness and stopgap. In some regions, harpies soar into the sky, their vibrant colors mirroring the sun’s ascent and carrying wishes on the wind. 


 Beyond the fests 

 Makar Sankranti is not just about gleeful conviviality; it’s a time for soul-searching and renewal. It’s a memorial to connect with the earth, to appreciate the bounty of the crop, and to offer gratefulness for the sun’s life-giving energy. It’s a time to forgive, to let go of negativity, and to embrace the possibilities of the new time. 


 A Shade of Traditions 

 While the substance of Makar Sankranti remains the same across India, its instantiations are as different as the country itself. In Bengal, it’s known as Poush Sankranti, celebrated with various’ alpine bottom art and joyful boat races. In Kerala,’ Makaravilakku,’ a giant campfire at the Sabarimala tabernacle, illuminates the night sky. Each region adds its unique flavor to the jubilee, creating a vibrant mosaic of traditions and customs. 


 A Communication for All 

 As the sun climbs advanced in the sky on Makar Sankranti, its warmth not only melts down the downtime’s bite but also reminds us of the power of stopgap and renewal. It’s a communication that transcends borders and persuasions, a memorial that indeed the darkest layoffs ultimately give way to the sun’s noble return. For more…