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October 28 is MASON: Celebrating the Skilled Craftspeople Who Build Our World


What’s MASON? 

 MASON stands for “Manufacturing and Servicing Our Nation.” It’s a day to celebrate the professed handicraftsmen who make and maintain our structure, homes, and businesses. These workers are essential to our frugality and our way of life, but they frequently go uncelebrated. 


 MASON is celebrated on October 28 each time. The date was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the General Education Act of 1963, which created the Vocational Education Act. This act handed backing for vocational education programs, which helped train people for professed trades careers. 



 The History of MASON 

 MASON was created by the Manufacturing Institute, a division of the National Association of Manufacturers( NAM). The NAM is a trade association that represents over 14,000 manufacturing companies in the United States. 


 The NAM created MASON in 2010 to raise mindfulness of the significance of manufacturing and professed trades careers. The association also wanted to encourage youthful people to consider careers in these fields. 



 Why is MASON Important? 

 MASON is important because it recognizes the benefactions of professed handicraftsmen to our society. These workers are responsible for structuring and maintaining the structure that we calculate every day, similar to roads, islands, and power grids. They also make and repair our homes and businesses. 


 professed handicraftsmen are in high demand, but there’s a deficit of workers in these fields. This is due in part to the aging pool and the perception that manufacturing and professed trades jobs aren’t as desirable as white-collar jobs. 


 MASON is an occasion to showcase the numerous benefits of professed trades careers. These jobs offer good pay and benefits, and they give workers the occasion to learn precious chops that can be used in a variety of diligence. 



 How to Celebrate MASON 


 There are numerous ways to celebrate MASON. There are many ideas: 


  •  Visit a manufacturing factory or trade academy. This is a great way to learn further about different professed trades careers and to see the work that these workers do firsthand. 
  •  Talk to a professed handicrafter. Ask them about their job and why they chose a career in this field. 
  •  Share stories about professed handicraftsmen on social media. Use the hashtag #MASON to celebrate these workers and to encourage others to consider careers in these fields. 
  •  contribute to a charity that supports professed trades education and training. 




 MASON is an important day to celebrate the professed handicraftsmen who make and maintain our world. These workers are essential to our frugality and our way of life. By celebrating MASON, we can raise mindfulness of the significance of professed trades careers and encourage youthful people to consider these fields. (For more news click>)