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SALAAR and DUNKI: Are They Remakes or Copies?- Full details


SALAAR and DUNKI: Are They Remakes or Copies?

Two of the most awaited Indian flicks of 2023 are SALAAR and DUNKI, starring Prabhas and Shah Rukh Khan, independently. Both flicks are being released on the same day, Christmas 2023, and there’s a lot of excitement and expectation among suckers. still, there have also been some rumors that both flicks are remakes of other flicks. 


 In this composition, we will take a near look at SALAAR and DUNKI to see if there’s any verity to the rumors that they’re remakes. We’ll also look at the parallels and differences between the two flicks. 



 SALAAR Is It a Remake of Ugramm? 

 SALAAR is directed by Prashanth Neel, who’s also known for directing the KGF ballot. The film stars Prabhas as a gangbanger named Salaar, and it’s set in a fictional megacity called Kolar Gold Fields. 


 Some suckers have suspected that SALAAR is a remake of Prashanth Neel’s before film, Ugramm, which also starred a gangbanger character named Salaar. still, Prashanth Neel has denied this, saying that SALAAR is a fully original story. 


 There are some parallels between SALAAR and Ugramm. Both flicks are set in the Kolar Gold Fields, and both feature a gangbanger character named Salaar. still, there are also some crucial differences. For illustration, the plot of SALAAR is said to be much more complex than the plot of Ugramm. also, SALAAR is a much bigger budget film than Ugramm. 


 Grounded on the available information, it’s safe to say that SALAAR isn’t a remake of Ugramm. It’s an original story set in the same macrocosm as KGF. 




 DUNKI Is It a Remake of CIA? 

 DUNKI is directed by Rajkumar Hirani, who’s known for directing successful flicks like 3 Idiots, PK, and Sanju. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan in the supereminent part. 


 Some suckers have suspected that DUNKI is a remake of the Malayalam film CIA, which was released in 2018. CIA is a love story about a man who gets involved in mortal trafficking. 

 still, Rajkumar Hirani has denied that DUNKI is a remake of CIA. He has said that DUNKI is an original story that he has been working on numerous times. 


 There are some parallels between DUNKI and CIA. Both flicks are said to be about mortal trafficking. still, there are also some crucial differences. For illustration, DUNKI is said to be a comedy-drama, while CIA is a suspense. also, DUNKI is set in India, while CIA is set in the Middle East. 


 Grounded on the available information, it’s safe to say that DUNKI isn’t a remake of CIA. It’s an original story that’s set in India. 




 Parallels and Differences Between SALAAR and DUNKI:


 SALAAR and DUNKI are two veritably different flicks. SALAAR is a gangbanger film set in a fictional megacity, while DUNKI is a comedy-drama set in India. still, there are some parallels between the two flicks. 


 Both flicks are being released on the same day, Christmas 2023. also, both flicks are largely anticipated by suckers. 


 Another similarity between SALAAR and DUNKI is that they’re both big-budget flicks. SALAAR is being made on a budget of over ₹ 200 crore, while DUNKI is being made on a budget of over ₹ 300 crore. 


 Eventually, both SALAAR and DUNKI are star-speckled flicks. SALAAR stars Prabhas, who’s one of the biggest stars in India. DUNKI stars Shah Rukh Khan, who’s one of the biggest stars in the world. 




 So, are SALAAR and DUNKI remakes or clones? The answer is no. Both flicks are original stories. SALAAR is a gangbanger film set in a fictional megacity, while DUNKI is a comedy-drama set in India. 


 While SALAAR and DUNKI are veritably different flicks, they’re both largely anticipated by suckers. Both flicks are being released on the same day, Christmas 2023, and both flicks are star-speckled. It’ll be intriguing to see which film performs better at the box office. (For more news click)