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Vishwakarma Puja 2023: Celebrate the Divine Architect on September 17

Every year on the final day of the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, people celebrate Vishwakarma Puja, a festival honouring the celestial architect Lord Vishwakarma. Vishwakarma Puja will be observed on September 17th, 2023.

The designer of the gods’ homes and armour is Lord Vishwakarma, who also created the universe. Additionally, he is the patron deity of all artists and craftspeople.

All faiths and professions celebrate Vishwakarma Puja with great devotion. On this day, people worship their equipment and make prayers to Lord Vishwakarma for good fortune and success in work.

Vishwakarma Puja rituals

Vishwakarma Puja rituals differ from place to region, although several are universal:

  • One should tidy up and decorate their workspace or craft.
  • Worshipping one’s equipment and tools.
  • Asking Lord Vishwakarma for blessings so that one’s work will be successful and prosperous.
  • Giving out treats and snacks to coworkers and employees.

Vishwakarma Puja’s importance

The festival of Vishwakarma Puja is noteworthy for a number of reasons. First of all, it is a day to honour the value of labour and craftsmanship. The worship of Lord Vishwakarma, the patron deity of all craftsmen and artisans, serves as a reminder of the worth and significance of all labour.

Second, Vishwakarma Puja is a day to offer prayers for well-being and professional prosperity. People from all walks of life and professions gather to pray to Lord Vishwakarma for his blessings.

Last but not least, Vishwakarma Puja is a day to celebrate peace and fraternity. This festival, which brings together people from all walks of life, serves as a reminder of our common humanity.