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World Stroke Day: What You Need to Know About Stroke Prevention and Treatment


World Stroke Day:


What’s a stroke? 

 A stroke is a medical exigency that occurs when the blood force to part of the brain is intruded or reduced, depriving the brain towel of oxygen and nutrients. Within twinkles, brain cells begin to die. A stroke can beget a wide range of disabilities, including palsy, speech problems, and loss of vision. 



 Types of stroke 


There are two main types of stroke:

  1.  Ischemic stroke This is the most common type of stroke and occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel leading to the brain. 
  2.  Hemorrhagic stroke This type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or ruptures. 



 Symptoms of stroke 


 The symptoms of a stroke can vary depending on the part of the brain that’s affected. still, some common symptoms of stroke include:

  1.  unforeseen impassiveness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
  2.  unforeseen confusion, trouble speaking, or understanding speech 
  3.  unforeseen trouble seeing in one or both eyes 
  4.  unforeseen trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or collaboration 
  5.  unforeseen severe headache with no given cause 



 Threat factors for stroke 


The threat factors for stroke include:

  1.  High blood pressure 
  2.  High cholesterol 
  3.  Diabetes 
  4.  Heart complaint 
  5.  Atrial fibrillation( an irregular twinkle) 
  6.  Smoking 
  7.  Rotundity 
  8.  Physical inactivity 
  9.  Inordinate alcohol consumption 
  10.  Age 
  11.  Family history of stroke 



 How to help a stroke 


There are a number of effects that you can do to help a stroke, including:

  1.  Control your blood pressure 
  2.  Keep your cholesterol situation low 
  3.  Manage your diabetes 
  4.  Maintain a healthy weight 
  5.  Be physically active 
  6.  Do not bomb 
  7.  Limit your alcohol input 
  8.  Eat a healthy diet 



 Stroke treatment 


 The thing of stroke treatment is to restore blood inflow to the brain as snappily as possible and to minimize the damage caused by the stroke. Treatment options for stroke include:

  1.  Thrombolytic remedy This involves administering clot-busting medicines to dissolve the blood clot that’s causing the stroke. 
  2.  Endovascular remedy This involves using a thin tube( catheter) fitted into a blood vessel to remove the blood clot or to widen the narrowed blood vessel. 
  3.  Surgery In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the blood clot or to repair a ruptured blood vessel. 



 Life after stroke 

 The recovery from a stroke can be a long and grueling process. The extent of the recovery depends on the inflexibility of the stroke and the part of the brain that was affected. still, with proper recuperation and support, numerous people who have had a stroke are suitable to make a significant recovery. 




 A stroke is a serious medical condition, but it’s preventable and treatable. However, call 911 incontinently, If you suppose that you or someone you know may be having a stroke. (For more click>)